Early Church Fathers (41 topics 255 pages)

The Early Church Fathers on various topics: This was a 3700 hour project which included going through 22896 pages of the 38 volume set called Ante Nicene, Nicene, Post Nicene Fathers. I compiled 255 pages of quotes showing that the Early Church was always and completely Catholic. All of these quotes can be verified and found from the source which is free online.

Against Sola Scriptura
Against Calivinism
Another Gospel, Doctrine of Demons
Apocrypha/ Deuterocanonical Books
Apostolic Succession 
Calling Priests Father
Catholic Church Founded by Jesus
Catholic Things
Church Being the Kingdom of God
Entertainment and Dancing
Eternal Hell
Faith and Works
Feast Days
Intercession of Saints
Marriage and Homosexuality
Military Service
Mortal and Venial Sin
Ordination and Priesthood
Papacy and Church Authority 
Peter Being the First Pope
Receiving Communion in the Hand 
Relics, Statues, Images
Sign of the Cross
Trinity and Jesus Being God
Women's Apparel 
Young Earth


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely wonderful for apologetics. I am bookmarking this. You may be familiar with John Cardinal Newman - he was Anglicanism's leading light then converted - "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant"

Jim Eckland said...

All of these quotes can be verified and found from the source which is free online. Do have a link to the online source of these quotes?

Brian said...

Here you go Jim enjoy. https://www.ccel.org/fathers.html

brokenbose said...

Holy cow. This is amazing work. I'm flabbergasted I haven't found this before now. I blame the Russians.

Anthony said...

Any quotes from the Church Fathers regarding the Sabbath and Sunday?

Brian said...

Terullian on idolatry ch 14
The Holy Spirit upbraids the Jews with their holy-days. "Your Sabbaths, and new moons, and ceremonies," says He, "My soul hateth." By us, to whom Sabbaths are strange, and the new moons and festivals formerly beloved by God, the Saturnalia and New-year's and Midwinter's festivals and Matronalia are frequented--presents come and go--New-year's gifts--games join their noise--banquets join their din! Oh better fidelity of the nations to their own sect, which claims no solemnity of the Christians for itself! Not the Lord's day, not Pentecost, even it they had known them, would they have shared with us; for they would fear lest they should seem to be Christians.
Answer to the jews ch 4
Sabbath is temporary like circumcision
Ad nations ch 14
because it is a well-known fact that we pray towards the east, or because we make Sunday a day of festivity

107 A.D., St. Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch,
“If we still live according to the Jewish observances, we confess that we do not accept the grace of Christ. Those who once lived according to the Old Law have come to a new hope, no longer observing the Jewish Sabbath, but the Lord’s Day on which our Life rose from the dead.”

Jody said...

This is the BEST Catholic Apologetics Website! This person needs to win a Pulitzer Prize!

Anonymous said...

For the Eucharist here is one I think you left out.

Clement of Alexandria, AD 195 Instructor 1.6 – Elsewhere the Lord, in the gospel according to John, brought this out by symbols when He said: “Eat My flesh and drink My blood,” describing by metaphor the drinkable properties of faith.

Brian said...

Thanks Anonymous. I deliberately left that out because the he refers to His flesh and blood as metaphors instead of actually his flesh and blood.

Anthony said...

This article helps to clarify what St. Clement of Alexandria and a few other church fathers meant by "symbol" http://www.philvaz.com/apologetics/num29.htm

Brian said...

Thanks Anthony.