Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Rebuttal to weak Halloween Arguments

This Halloween thing is getting out of control. Lines are drawn down the middle and it appears to me that people in favor of Halloween deep down do not want to give it up that they are using weak arguments. Some such arguments appear to scare you by saying the Devil hates Halloween. The following are such.
The devil hates Halloween because it is the one time of year they are talking to their neighbors. The devil hates Halloween because kids are laughing. The devil hates Halloween because it allows kids to stay out late which the devil tricked their parents to be over protective and keep them in at night on other nights of the year. The devil hates Halloween because there is generosity in giving out candy and that giving produces a feeling of gratitude. The devil hates Halloween because it Celebrates the vigil of all saints day.

If these are your arguments consider that you deep down know Halloween has been turned into something not good. I can assure you the devil is happy to take one for the team to allow such tiny goods that come out of the day in lieu of all the bad. Let’s say children watch tv and laugh at someone being shot. Does that mean people getting shot is okay because kids are laughing? You don’t need Halloween to be generous. Many people are generous at Christmas and year round. I happen to think the devil is happy that these kids are getting practically soft kill poison in the form of candy. We all know it isn’t healthy. There is no need to dress up as something evil to receive a gift or to give one. If you were to ask 100000 people why they celebrate Halloween would anyone say it is because they are celebrating the vigil of All Saints Day. I think you know the answer to that. How do you celebrate those in heaven by dressing up as something evil? You know what I mean so I don’t even need to give examples. I heard an argument for Halloween that goes like this. It is a good and medieval thing to dress up as monsters to mock the devil in light of Christ’s victory. That’s nice but that is not what people do on Halloween. No one dresses up as a something evil to mock the devil they dress up as something evil because they think it is cool  People don’t dress up as a witch because it is condemned in scripture, they dress up as a witch because they wish they had magical powers. To say it is medieval is like saying since naked people are painted on church ceilings that makes porn okay. It’s not the same thing; it is done for different reasons. It also had nothing to do with the original day of remembering people who are in heaven. There ain't no monsters in heaven folks. 

The former top Exorcist of Rome Fr Gabriele Amorth who has performed over 70000 exorcisms in his life knows what evil looks like and how to fight it. This is what he says about Halloween: “Halloween is really a spiritual gathering presented as a form of game, and that is the equivalent of singing hosannas to the devil”

Back in 2014, the International Association of Exorcists said they wanted to see Halloween banned due to a spike in occult activity around the holiday. Father Aldo Buonaiuto said the organization's emergency number receives around 40 calls a day around October 31. Buonaiuto said, “Many say Halloween is a simple carnival, but in fact, there is nothing innocent or fun about it – it is the antechamber to something much more dangerous.

Although father Vincent Lampert, a Vatican-trained exorcist, told Catholic Online that it’s fine to celebrate Halloween. He says:“Ultimately I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the kids putting on a costume, dressing up as a cowboy or Cinderella, and going through the neighborhood and asking for candy; that’s all good clean fun. The faithful shouldn’t glorify evil or practice witchcraft, even as a joke. That would be the danger of Halloween that somehow God is lost in all of this, the religious connotation is lost and then people end up glorifying evil,”
I tend to agree. You have to be very careful how you celebrate Halloween. Not only with good costumes but protecting children from seeing the evil exposed on Halloween. It also applies to adults because they have become more sexually explicit in recent years.

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