Monday, July 8, 2013

Early Church Fathers on Abortion

The Early Church Fathers on various topics: This was a 3700 hour project which included going through 22896 pages of the 38 volume set called Ante Nicene, Nicene, Post Nicene Fathers. I compiled 255 pages of quotes showing that the Early Church was always and completely Catholic. All of these quotes can be verified and found from the source which is free online.

Epistle of Barnabas ch 19 (70-90 ad)
Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born.
Irenaeus of Lyon Fragments 49 (120-180 ad)
For both are revealed to the world as but one, for the soul was not anterior to the body in its essence; nor, in regard to its formation, did the body precede the soul: but both these were produced at one time; and their nourishment consists in purity and sweetness
Apocalypse of Peter Par 25 (130 ad)
And near that place I saw another strait place into which the gore and the filth of those who were being punished ran down and became there as it were a lake: and there sat women having the gore up to their necks, and over against them sat many children who were born to them out of due time, crying; and there came forth from them sparks of fire and smote the women in the eyes: and these were the accursed who conceived and caused abortion.
Athenagoras A Plea for the Christians ch 35 (150-200 ad)
How, then, when we do not even look on, lest we should contract guilt and pollution, can we put people to death? And when we say that those women who use drugs to bring on abortion commit murder, and will have to give an account to God s for the abortion, on what principle should we commit murder? For it does not belong to the same person to regard the very foetus in the womb as a created being, and therefore an object of God's care, and when it has passed into life, to kill it; and not to expose an infant, because those who expose them are chargeable with child-murder
Tertullian The Apology ch 9 (160-240 ad)
In our case, murder being once for all forbidden, we may not destroy even the foetus in the womb, while as yet the human being derives blood from other parts of the body for its sustenance. To hinder a birth is merely a speedier man-killing; nor does it matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to the birth.
Tertullian Treatise on the Soul ch 27 (160-240 ad)
Now we allow that life begins with conception, because we contend that the soul also begins from conception; life taking its commencement at the same moment and place that the soul does.
Cyprian of Carthage epistles 48 par 2 (200-270 ad)
The womb of his wife was smitten by a blow of his heel; and in the miscarriage that soon followed, the offspring was brought forth, the fruit of a father's murder.
Theodotus Excerpts par 50 (300 ad)
An ancient said that the embryo is a living thing
Council of Ancyra Canon 21 (314 ad)
Concerning women who commit fornication, and destroy that which they have conceived, or who are employed in making drugs for abortion, a former decree excluded them until the hour of death, and to this some have assented. Nevertheless, being desirous to use somewhat greater lenity, we have ordained that they fulfil ten years [of penance], according to the prescribed degrees.
Let her that procures abortion undergo ten years' penance, whether the embryo were perfectly formed, or not.
Basil Letter 188 par 8 (329-379 ad)
Women also who administer drugs to cause abortion, as well as those who take poisons to destroy unborn children, are murderesses.
Jerome Letter 22 par 13 (347-420 ad)
Some go so fat as to take potions, that they may insure barrenness, and thus murder human beings almost before their conception. Some, when they find themselves with child through their sin, use drugs to procure abortion, and when (as often happens) they die with their offspring, they enter the lower world laden with the guilt not only of adultery against Christ but also of suicide and child murder.
John Chrysostom Homily 24 on Romans (347-407 ad)
Why then bring disgrace upon all these? Why sow where the ground makes it its care to destroy the fruit? where there are many efforts at abortion? where there is murder before the birth? for even the harlot thou dost not let continue a mere harlot, but makest her a murderess also.
Gennadius of Marseilles Illustrious Men ch 18 (430-500 ad)
but maintains that there will be one simultaneous resurrection of all, at which shall arise even the aborted and the deformed lest any living human being, however deformed, should be lost.
Constantinople/Trullo/Quinisext canon 91 (692 ad)
Ancient Epitome: Whoever gives or receives medicine to produce abortion is a homicide. [+] Those who give drugs for procuring abortion, and those who receive poisons to kill the foetus, are subjected to the penalty of murder.

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